Become a member of PASMAE
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Welcome to PASMAE
PASMAE is the Pan African Society for Musical Arts Education.
We represent and advocate for music education and music educators across Africa.
PASMAE is the African arm of the International Society for Music Education (ISME).
PASMAE activities include:
Every month members receive PASMAE Update by email, with PASMAE information as well as opportunities, initiatives and pan-African music education news.
Biennial conference
In every odd numbered year, PASMAE partners with an education institution to hold a regional conference. More information about these conferences including how to apply to be a conference host can be found here.
ISME World Conference support
Our partner ISME hosts a world conference in every even numbered year. PASMAE works with members to assist them to attend through helping navigate how make a submission and how to attend the conference, including how to find suitable accommodation and networking
PASMAE offers a number of resources to support members building their careers. These include a portal for theses and dissertations, advocacy resources and ideas, teaching resources and useful links. To submit content for these sections contact our operations manager.